While working with EC2 Linux instances there could be a requirement to get the list of all the machines which had not been rebooted over months or for a particular number of days.The reason could be for audit or to the check the status of instances.
I have put together tasks to accomplish it as an Ansible Playbook below.
You have an working Ansible environment with a proper inventory file with all the details of hosts being managed.
- name: Get the list of all the nodes which are running over a month
hosts: all
gather_facts: false
- name: Show hostname for sanity check (or just use -v flag for verbose)
command: hostname
register: hostname
- debug: var=hostname.stdout_lines
- name: Check uptime prior reboot
shell: cut -d ' ' -f1 /proc/uptime
- name: Setting fact for number of days
uptime_days: "{ { (UPTIME_PRE_REBOOT.stdout | int / 86400) | round(0) } }"
- name: Hosts to be rebooted.
msg: " has not been rebooted since days,which is older than a month"
when: (uptime_days | int) > 30
This simple playbook fetches the uptime and converts to days,which can be used as condition.
What’s next
This script can be extended to take an action on the hosts which have not been rebooted.